Install Samba on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora¶
Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix, we are going to configuration it on RHEL/CentOS Linux system.
Commands use root as default, for other user, sudo
1. Install Samba¶
dnf install samba -y
For older releae like RHEL7.x and CentOS7.x, replace
2. Add User¶
useradd -s /sbin/nologin -d /PATH/TO/HOME/USERNAME
Add user USERNAME with home directory in /PATH/TO/HOME, unable to login.
Change USERNAME's password.
3. Change smb user's access password¶
smbpasswd -a USERNAME
4. Config samba's configuration file¶
Change file /etc/samba/smb.conf
(1). Change [global]
workgroup = SAMBA
security = user
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
log level = 1
min protocol = SMB3
passdb backend = tdbsam
hosts allow =
follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes
unix extensions = no
Set security to
Set minimum samba version to
(2). Change [homes]
comment = Home Directories
valid users = %S, %D%w%S
create mask = 2640
directory mask = 2750
browseable = No
read only = No
inherit acls = Yes
inherit permissions = yes
Op1. Share Other Directories¶
Add a new section in /etc/samba/smb.conf
comment = Data
path = /PATH/TO/DATA
# valid users =
# write list =
valid users = USERNAME
create mask = 2660
directory mask = 2770
browseable = No
read only = No
inherit acls = Yes
inherit permissions = yes
# force user = GROUP
# force group = GROUP
Set boolean to access it:
setsebool -P samba_export_all_rw 1
Op2. Set SELinux Booleans¶
After operations above, it's able to access home directory with samba, if SELinux is set to diabled
, otherwise, SELinux should configured.
setsebool -P use_samba_home_dirs 1
setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs 1
Op3. Set Firewall¶
If firewalld enabled in your system, you have to add samba
to firewall
firewall-cmd --add-server=samba --permanent
And then reload firewall:
firewall-cmd --reload
5. Restart samba¶
systemctl restart smbd
[3]. Linux-Firewall-初探
[4]. SElinux-初探